Saturday 17 March 2012

Our relationship was challenged right from the start
I came into your life.. & a few weeks later you gained a broken heart
For your own mom you were grieving
Whilst by your side was a new born child
Who was often crying and screaming
Can’t have been easy to be a mom
At a time when your own had only just gone

We haven’t got the most conventional mother – daughter relationship
In fact, it often feels as if the roles have been flipped
I want to be there for you as much as I can
Even though during the times that I was slipping
You were unable to hold my hand

During my childhood we weren’t really the closest
But it weren’t until my teens that I really began to notice.
We often failed to see eye to eye
But during the recent years I’ve happily waved good bye
To all of the frustration that was built up in me
Now that I can see clearly & my mind feels free

During the situations you’ve dealt with, others would have crumbled
But you kept strong belief in your faith & stayed humble.
Your work ethic alone amazes me
Always worked 2 – 3 jobs on minimum wage
Still putting in them hours in despite of your age

So even though things between us may not have always been ‘perfect’
There’s not a doubt in my mind that your intentions have forever been good
Even when we both had each other misunderstood
For me & your other children there’s nothing your wouldn’t do
That’s part of the reason why I could never put another above you.